Mervat Mostafa Abdel-Hamid Jelila

Security forces from the Mit Ghamar department seized and arrested Mervat Mostafa on January 28, 2014, after a report was filed against her by the clinic director, Dr. Fathi Ali Hassan Matar. The report stated that she, a doctor, was walking around the hospital, publicizing the Rabaa slogan of a terrorist group on her clothes, as well as rioting and disrupting work. Her behavior angered the hospital staff and made patients and their families hesitant. Case No. 344 Mit Ghamr Police Station was released and she was presented before the prosecution. She was charged with verbal and physical assault on public officials and the obtainment of publications intended to undermine public security and harm the public interest of the country. The prosecution ordered her to be detained pending investigations. On February 23, 2014, she was sentenced to two years in prison and 200 pounds on bail. She paid her bail and was released under an appeal verdict, which confirmed the sentence on March 1, 2014. – Violations she was subjected to: – Beating and insult by an officer inside the hospital before being arrested.