Fatima Emad El-din Ali Abu Turk

Fatima Emad El-din and others were arrested on May 5, 2015, during a demonstration in Sorour Square and Al-Busta, Damietta. On May 8, 2015, the prosecution was presented with the case no. 4337 for 2015, First Damietta Felonies, registered under no. 818 for the year 2015, Total Damietta. She was charged with assembly, show of force and signaling violence, attempting to kill 9 people with premeditated murder: “Magdi Mohammed al-Alfi, Wael Ali Shafiq al-Hadak, Mohammed Al-Hadidi al-Sayed, Mohammed Abdel Moneim Mohammed Awad, Yasin al-Badawi, Saad Mohammed al-Beheiry, Mohammed Fathi Sobhi Suleiman, Mustafa Rifaat Rizk and Mr. Ali Abdel Halim.” She was also charged with using force and violence with public officials, ammunition, possession of firearms and ammunition without a license, and tools used in the attack “two pieces pointed with nails”, demonstration without permit, shouting with the intention of sedition, deliberately broadcasting news and false statements by shouting, promoting words and chanting to change the basic principles of the Constitution and to overthrow the state’s statute by using force and violence. She was imprisoned pending investigations. She was released on June 21, 2017, but she and the other girls were remanded in custody again while attending the trial on June 26, 2018. They were imprisoned until they were sentenced to three years in prison on 25 September 2018. She received a presidential pardon in May 2019. – Violations she was subjected to: – She was detained for 3 days before being presented before the prosecution in the security forces of Damietta, and was beaten and stood against the wall for more than 3 hours. – She was humiliated and insulted in the First Damietta Section – She was detained in the armored vehicle for 7 hours during their deportation to Port Said prison – She was subjected to a pregnancy test more than once despite being a virgin- She was expelled from college.