Rana Abdullah Abd El-Moneim El Sawy

Rana Abdullah was arrested on September 17, 2015, when she and her sister were in their car with their father. They were stopped by a police ambush at the exit gate on their way back from Alexandria. They were forcibly disappeared, and their father was released two days later. They appeared two days later and their names were attached to the Niger embassy bombing case. A decision was issued to imprison them, and she was transferred to Al-Qanater prison. She remained a prisoner until she was sentenced to three years in prison on December 30, 2017. She was discharged after serving her sentence. Violations she was subjected to: – She and her sister were subjected to enforced disappearance for two days, during which they were severely tortured to extract confessions. She was tortured with electricity so severely that she still suffers the effects, as her left hand cannot move her easily. Her sister, Dr. Sara, was threatened with rape.