Omar Yasser was arrested on January 25th, 2014 amidst the events of the revolution’s 3rd anniversary in Al Mansoura. He was detained under case No. 653 of 2014 Mansoura Second, Misdemeanor. He was accused of joining an illegally formed group, demonstration without permit, assembly, show of force and signaling violence and destruction of public and private property. 19th January 2015, he was sentenced in his presence for 5-year aggravated imprisonment and 3-year probation. He filed an appeal and the judge was removed from the case for embarrassment on February 7th, 2017. He was released on April 6th, 2017.
Omar Yasser Ahmed Ahmed Shahin
Name: Omar Yasser Ahmed Ahmed Shahin
Gender: Male
Age at time of arrest: 17
Occupation: High school student
Governorate of residence: Dakahlia
Arrest governorate: Dakahlia
Detention date: 25/1/2014
Cases: No. 653 of 2014 Al-Mansoura second misdemeaNo. r and registered under 1089 of 2014 south of Al-Mansourah, total
Sentences: Aggravated imprisonment for 5 years