Mohamed Abo Bakr was arrested on January 25th, 2015 amidst the revolution’s fourth anniversary events in the area of Abdel Moneem Riadh and Opera in Cairo. He was detained under the case No. 854 of 2015 Nile palace misdemeanor and No. 268 of 2015 Cairo Child Misdemeanor for demonstration without permit, assembly, use of force and violence against public officers. He was acquitted on March 1st, 2015.
Mohamed Abo Bakr Ali Nasr
Name: Mohamed Abo Bakr Ali Nasr
Gender: Male
Age at time of arrest: 17
Occupation: Student in higher education
Governorate of residence: Cairo
Arrest governorate: Al Gharbiya
Detention date: 25/1/2015
Cases: No. 854 of 2015, Kasr El-Nil misdemeaNo. r and No. 268 of 2015 Cairo child misdemeaNo. r
Sentences: Acquitted