Hend Mounir Abd El-Wahab Ali Nasr

Army and police forces arrested the 2 sisters, Rasha and Hend Mounir Abd El-Wahab Ali Nasr, and Amani Hasan Abdu in an ambush in the Hadaiq al Qaba area on 8/16/13 after the events of Ramses the second. They were imprisoned under case No. 12018/468 of 2013 Hadaiq al Qaba Felonies. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in person on 8/6/14. She began a food strike in al Qanatir prison after the sentence. The sentence was revoked on 7/15/15, there was a retrial and she obtained release on 11/9/15. She was acquitted on 2/6/16. – Violations she was subjected to: subject to insults and severe beating, which led to broken teeth, in the Hadaiq al Qaba police station where she spent a month and a half; subject to threats of rape on numerous occasions if she did not confess to the fabricated charges against her; the torture was daily and methodical against her and her sister. – subject to severe beating after she was moved to al Qanatir prison – Rasha’s health condition (she had suffered from a mitral valve in her heart since childhood) deteriorated and required special care. It worsened as a result of the torture in prison. She suffered from a reflux of blood from the mitral valve of the heart – her husband died while waiting in line to visit her in prison – her imprisonment affected her children severely, as they developed psychological issues which caused involuntary urination throughout the day.