Mervat Hussein Mohamed Ali Al-Husseini

Mervat Hussein was arrested in the house on January 26, 2016 based on an arrest warrant under case No. 1303 of 2016 in Ambaba misdemeanor, and she was released on parole on February 6, 2016 on bail of two thousand pounds. Then she was acquitted on July 11, 2016 from the 21st Terrorism Chamber of North Giza Court – She was also arrested in the detention of the families of the forcibly disappeared in July 2016. She was released without report – She was arrested again from home on July 5, 2018, under case No. 441 of 2018, State Security, on charges of spreading false news about the political and economic conditions in the country with the intention of disturbing the public peace within the framework of the goals of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood organization. She was accused of promoting the group’s goals aimed at undermining confidence in the Egyptian state and its institutions. She was imprisoned in Al-Qanater prison until she obtained a release with precautionary measures on October 16, 2018, and the precautionary measures were canceled on February 17, 2020.