Nagat Bayoumi was arrested with others on January 24, 2015, following a demonstration on the Mit Al-Sanbilween Road. She was investigated under case No. 1732 of 2015 Sanbelween Center, registered under No. 1024 for 2015, Total Janub Mansoura. She was released on the same day. She was sentenced in absentia by the Mansoura Circuit Criminal Court (3) to 10 years maximum prison sentence on November 14, 2015. She was arrested again on November 15, 2015 in her home at dawn to implement the sentence. She remained a prisoner until she was acquitted on January 16, 2016.
Nagat Bayoumi Mohamed
Name: Nagat Bayoumi Mohamed
Gender: Female
Age at time of arrest: 34
Occupation: Science teacher at Azawi Preperatory School
Governorate of residence: Dakahlia
Arrest governorate: Dakahlia
Detention date: 24/1/2015
Cases: No. 1732 for 2015, El-Senbellawein felonies and registered under No. 1024 for 2015, South of Al-Mansoura total
Sentences: 10 years aggravated imprisonment in absentia; later, Acquitted