Yasmin Mamdouh Abdel Moneim Mohamed Abdul Rehim

Yasmin Mamdouh and others were arrested on December 28, 2013 during demonstrations inside the university campus in Al Azhar. They were taken to the second section of Nasr City, where they spent nearly two weeks moving between the section and the headquarters of Al Salam camp in the 10th district, during which they were subjected to various forms of violations, assaults and harassment by security forces during arrest and detention. They were detained amidst the case no. 7399 of 2013, Second Nasr City Misdemeanors, known in the media as the “case of burning a business college.” She was charged with joining a banned organization, demonstrating without permit, assaulting security, deliberate sabotage of public property, arson, stealing papers, and displaying force. She was released on April 1, 2015, and acquitted on April 29, 2015. – Violations: – beatings, hair-pulling and harassment during the arrest; placed with 14 girls in a place that could accommodate only one person in the armored vehicle – moral compulsion to watch young people being tortured – subjected to the threat of rape and virginity tests.