Hanan Badr El-Din Abd El-Hafeez

Hanan Badr El-Din Abd El-Hafeez

Security officers arrested Hanan Badr El-Din on May 6, 2017, while she was visiting a victim of enforced disappearance after he was transferred to Qanater Prison, where he is still detained. Her purpose of visit was to obtain information about her husband who had been forcibly disappeared since July 27, 2013. She was presented before the prosecution the following day and investigated under case No. 5163 of 2017 Al Qanatir Al Khayriyah Administration. She was charged with belonging to a banned group, participating in a women’s cell to monitor prisons and insurance points to target them, and entry of contraband. She was imprisoned pending investigations and trasnferred to Al Qanatir prison. She obtained a release on parole, and was released on April 25, 2019. – Violations she was subjected to: – She went on a partial open hunger strike on August 6, 2018 due to the deterioration of her health and medical negligence she suffered inside the prison of Al-Qanater. She suffers from a chronic disease (Mediterranean fever), which causes high fever, abdominal pain, chest pain, arthroscopic pain, inability to eat or swallow anything, inability to extend her back and bend over, as well as inflammation of the joints of her hands. A lawyer had previously demanded the prison administration to transfer her to a hospital, but the administration only allowed her to see the prison doctor, who did not provide her with any solid medical care. When she visited the prison hospital for a second time, she was not examined and she returned to prison. Hanan also suffered an acute stomach flu on May 27, 2018. She was transferred to the prison hospital on the same day and returned again to prison without signature of a medical examination. The hospital only gave her a residence.