Omar Shaaban was arrested as a minor on January 25, 2015 during the fourth anniversary of the Matariya revolution and charged under case No. 672 of 2015, Matariya Crimes. He was detained pending investigations. He was subsequently released and sentenced on 26 December 2018 to 10 years in prison in absentia.
Omar Shaaban Abdo Selim
Name: Omar Shaaban Abdo Selim
Gender: Male
Age at time of arrest: 16
Occupation: Student
Governorate of residence: Cairo
Arrest governorate: NA
Detention date: 25/1/2015
Cases: No. 672 for 2015 Al Matariya felonies; registered under No. 6123 for 2015, East of Cairo, total
Sentences: 10 years imprisonment in absentia