Tasneem Abd El-Hakim Mostafa Hussein Farrag

The security forces arrested Tasneem Abd El-Hakim in front of Mansoura University on April 30, 2014, after someone there filed a security report stating that she participated in the university demonstrations. Her colleague reported that while they were leaving the university to go home, they were stopped by a single man, who asked them to show the Karnihat and then their personal cards, as he was a detective. Then he took the student Tasnim to the police club near the university, left her, and then took her to the First Mansoura section. She was presented before the prosecution under case No. 8451 for 2014, First Mansoura Administration, registered under number 51 for 2015, Mansoura Partial Military Crimes. She was charged with burning a police car, assaulting security personnel, attempting to kill police officers, belonging to a terrorist group, obstructing the road, damaging facilities, and demonstrating without a permit. She was imprisoned pending investigation. She was released on bail of 1,000 pounds on June 21, 2014. She was sentenced in absentia on May 7, 2014, to 3 years in prison and a fine of 50,000 pounds. – Violations: – She was beaten during her arrest – she was detained inside the police club in Mansoura next to the university for 4 hours, during which she was assaulted and insulted, and she continued to be beaten and insulted while she was transferred to the First Mansoura section- she was held in solitary confinement for about a week in the first Mansoura section, as she was deposited alone in a narrow cell full of insects and without a window or light bulbs, which negatively affected her vision as she wears glasses; she could not freely use the bathroom and was often harassed and prevented from entering the bathroom outside the cell; her cell overlooked a hall from which she could hear constant sounds of torture, beatings and insults of political prisoners – she was once subjected to a humiliating search by a criminal. – subject several times to humiliating searches by one of the criminals – In the first Mansoura section, her family was prevented from visiting her, checking on her, and bringing food to her throughout the week, only being allowed to briefly visit her a few hours before she was transferred allowing; they saw her as being in poor condition because of the psychological and physical harassments, in addition to her hunger strike of only consuming water and juices.