Zainab Mohamed Mohamed Hasanein

Zainab Mohamed’s home was raided and she was arrested on September 30, 2018, and she was taken to an unknown destination. She remained under enforced disappearance until she appeared before the prosecution on January 27, 2019, accused under case No. 277 of 2019 Supreme State Security . She was charged with joining an entity through the Internet that including members of the Terrorist Brotherhood organization and a group of personnel inspired by the name of God Thora. They held several meetings outside the country through the international information network to agree on the steps of implementing their plan, which will be financed from abroad via economic entities belonging to the terrorist brotherhood. The prosecution ordered her to be detained pending investigations. She was transferred to Al-Qanater prison and is still being renewed. – Violations: – Enforced disappearance for months during which she was beaten and tortured – no lawyer allowed with her during investigations – prevention of visits and other means of communication for months starting from the Corona crisis.