ابراهيم عبد المقصود – Ebrahim Abd El-Maqsoud wrote these sentences

اسم السجين (اسم الشهرة) : ابراهيم عبد المقصود

النوع الاجتماعي : ذكر

تاريخ تحرير أو نشر الرسالة : 1/7/2015

السن وقت الاحتجاز: غير معلوم

الوظيفة – نشاط بالمجال العام: –

مكان احتجاز المرسل : قسم شرطة مركز السنبلاوين

Ebrahim Abd El-Maqsoud wrote these sentences

Ebrahim Abd El-Maqsoud wrote these sentences on the back
of his prison’s chemise
” Happy New Year ”
A year full of peace , Freedom , more and more accomplishments .
Here “in Prison ” became :
* Nelson Mandela President of South Africa.
* Alija Izetbegović President of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* Dilma Rousseff President of Brazil .
* Ahmed Seif Hamad Lawyer.
* Prophet Youssef peace be upon him.
**Abd El-Maqsoud Brothers:
-Omar Abd El-Maqsoud 27 years old.
-Ebrahim Abd El-Maqsoud 21 years old.
-Ans Abd El-Maqsoud 16 years old.
They have been detained since 14th of April 2014
Detainees for over 260 days now !!!