عبد الرحمن محمد مصطفي المرسي الجندي (عبد الرحمن الجندي) – Dead indeed

اسم السجين (اسم الشهرة) : عبد الرحمن محمد مصطفي المرسي الجندي (عبد الرحمن الجندي)

النوع الاجتماعي : ذكر

تاريخ تحرير أو نشر الرسالة : 10/10/2014

السن وقت الاحتجاز: 18 عام

الوظيفة – نشاط بالمجال العام: طالب بكلية الهندسة بالجامعة الألمانية بالقاهرة

مكان احتجاز المرسل : منطقة سجون طرة

Dead indeed

Dead indeed.
Once upon a time a boy had a dream
Maybe a bit too ambitious maybe a little extreme
But what did he have to lose? What’s the worst he’d undergo?
That the dream won’t be fulfilled? Little did he know.
He used to read that life ain’t all rainbows and butterflies
He thought that meant a few tears or at least some cries
He used to hear that life’s unfair. He did think it was true.
But he believed that meant getting a candy while your brother gets two
He never pictured what it was capable of, that cruel merciless life
He never once thought it possible, until he felt the knife
It was piercing his chest in this upper left spot
It didn’t hurt that much, but it burned real hot
What could he do now? He wasn’t prepared for this
الكل the hope suddenly vanished, all the glory and bliss
The knife came all the way through, in his eyes it was filmed
The burn faded quietly, and then the pain overwhelmed
He knew there was no going back, with the first trickle of blood
It soared down swiftly, yet hit the ground with a thud
There was also no going forward, he was quite stuck right there
And when it dawned on him, his chest began to flare
A dear friend told him: “You’ll be the boy who lived.”
But a line came to his mind, with a weight he could not lift
It floated through his brain, as his heart gave a final beat
That “once your heart begins to bleed, you’re dead, & dead, & dead, indeed
-Abdelrahman ElGendy