Mohamed Kamel Abd Al-Sataar

Mohamed Kamel Abd Al-Sataar


Judge Mohamed Kamel Abd Al-Sataar has held various judicial positions. He was the head of the Criminal Court of Zagazig in 2013, then served as a member of the Cairo Criminal Court from 2016 to 2018. In 2019, he became a member of the Sixth Terrorism Circuit at the Cairo Criminal Court. During 2020 and 2021, he became the head of the Third Terrorism Circuit, which held 65 sessions in just 6 months, during which it reviewed the detention of 15,179 defendants across 1,002 cases. Within these 6 months, the circuit issued 36 release orders, freeing 387 defendants, including 27 under precautionary measures, and issued 55 orders for the continued detention of defendants. Additionally, there were 6 sessions where the transfer of defendants to court was hindered due to various reasons. Currently, Judge Mohamed Kamel Abd Al-Sataar serves as a member of the Northern Cairo Criminal Court.

To view all his cases click here.

Update date:
Kamel Abd Al-Sataar
Felonies (Terrorism Circuits)