Mohamed Nagy Shehata

Mohamed Nagy Shehata

Judge Mohamed Nagy Shehata obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Law at Cairo University in 1972.

After graduation, he joined the armed forces as a commandos officer for six years.

He spent all his tenure in Abu Soltan, Al Ismailia, afterwhich he served in family law prosecution for three years and ascended all the steps in the prosecutorial ladder. As for his service in the judiciary, he first served as a misdemeanor judge in Minya and Asyut in 1982. He then specialized in terrorism cases in 1989 as a judge and a terrorism circuit member.

He considered the cases of the “Shawqiun” organization.

He served as the president in Asut Felony Court; president of Giza Felony Court; president of terrorism circuit No. 3 (cancelled in November 3rd, 2019); and president of the restructured Giza Felony circuit No. 2 on November 4th, 2019. It is worth mentioning that he was accused of participation in parliamentary election fraud in 2005.

However, the case was dismissed for lack of evidence. Judge Mohamed Nagy Shehata was nicknamed by many as the “Death Sentence Judge” as he issued the largest number of death sentences in the terrorism cases and other cases with a political background that he presided over.

Until 2020, he sentenced 265 to death. In the “Kerdasa” case alone, he issued a death sentence for 183 defendants and sentenced a child to 10 years imprisonment. Among the most prominent of those sentenced by Judge Shehata are Mohamed Badie, the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Brotherhood leader “Mohamed El-Beltagy,” who were both sentenced to death, and activist Ahmed Douma, who was sentenced to life imprisonment. The motion to recuse him was accepted in many cases including the Special Operations Cell and the Aausim Terrorist Cell.

To view all his cases click here.

Update date:
Felonies (Terrorism Circuits)