Moataz Mostafa Khafagy

Moataz Mostafa Khafagy

Judge Moataz Mostafa Khafagy was appointed as an assistant prosecutor to Al Maady and Helwan Prosecution in 1976.

He then served as a judge where he became the court president for two years.

He then returned to public prosecution where he served as thepresident of Al Maady prosecution for 11 years.

He later served in ِAsset Freezing Office at the Attorney General’s office.

Then, he served in the Cairo Appeal’s Prosecution; then one more time in the Felonies Court; then, he was appointed to the technical office in the Ministry of Justice.

He has finally settled in the Felonies Court as the Court president where he served as the president in Terrorism Circuit No. 2 (previously Circuit No. 14).

It is noted that he was subjected to an assassination attempt on May 10th, 2015, via the placement of two explosive bottles in the garden facing his house and under a vehicle.

He resigned from the “Nahdha Dispersal” casue due to a conflict of interest, as a defendant in the case was charged with involvement in his assassination attempt.

Judge Moataz Khafagy is considered one of the “Death Sentence Judges”, as he issued 43 death sentences (as of in 2020) in the Terrorism Circuit in many cases including the Guidance Office incident.

Judge Moataz Khafaji, former head of the Terrorism Circuit at the Criminal Court, died on September 23, 2023, at the age of 72.

To view all his cases click here.

Update date:
Felonies (Terrorism Circuits)