Asmaa Abdul Aziz Mohamed Shehata

Asmaa Abdul Aziz was arrested at her home in Al-Haram on 11/3/14 with her sons Ahmed, 19, and Mohammed, 14, to force her husband to turn himself. She was presented to the prosecution and investigated in the case No. 187 of 2015, West Cairo Military Misdemeanors. She was charged with establishing a group founded in violation to the provisions of the law, whose purpose was the disruption of the provisions of the Constitution and laws, preventing state institutions and public authorities from carrying out their work, attacking freedoms and rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the law, and disrupting social peace under the movement name, “Unknown.” The prosecution ordered her imprisonment under investigations. She received a medical pardon but it was not implemented. She remained imprisoned until she was obtained release on 2/13/16, and was released on March 5, 2016. She was acquitted on December 7, 2017. – Violations: – She was subjected to medical negligence as she is a chronic schizophrenic patient and needs health care – she was subjected to delay in carrying out the discharge, as she remained illegally detained for more than two weeks.